Tuesday, February 20, 2007


This has got to be the oddest picture taken of me during the last 8 months or so.

The internet is just so darned magical when it comes to communication these days. Skype, in particular, is just about the coolest thing ever when you live across the ocean from most of your family. So, once a week, my folks and I have a little video chat. This week, my mother took this picture of her computer screen with my big old bump on it. (You just just see her down in the left hand corner.)

I am become destroyer of worlds, devourer of puddings. Fear the bump.


Dr. Grumbles said...

What a great bump!

dawnatello said...

oh my god i feel like a house already am i going to get that big??? ha ha i still have 9.5 weeks to go!!

i love the prawn stuff it is awesome and so original i love love love it!

lisalou said...

i wanna big bump too! I hope you have lots of photos of the mothership...so you can tell the space prawn where he/she came from!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, memories. :) So exciting!