Thursday, March 22, 2007

A Prawn Is Born!

Wren Ivy Rose, born 10:29am by cesarean section after heroic Rockmama labour endeavors failed to convince The Prawn that there was life outside the womb. The big-eyed, cooing bundle weighed in at 8lbs 10.5oz. Mother and baby both doing wonderfully.

Pictures to follow once Daddio here has regained the ability to see in straight lines. Need. Sleep.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations and good wishes to all! Here's to cooing bundle's of joy, wishes for sleep, and healthy prawns and mothers of prawns!

~ Somewhere in the midwest US.

M said...

Congratulations! I've been madly checking on you to see when your Prawn would arrive - love her name..... x

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you both!!

katty said...

very many congratulations to you both and a big welcome to ivy rosexx

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you both!!

Wren is a very cute name! ;)

Can't wait to see the photos!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations rockmama and family! Love the name. Hopefully, when things settle down, you'll be glad in the long run not to have to push out an almost 9 pounder! You did good!

MsPrufrock said...

Phew, I was getting worried!

Congratulations everyone, and hell, what a big ol' Prawn! I'm glad to hear mother and baby are doing well post-birth.

I'm looking forward to pictures and a birth story (weirdo that I am).

nelly said...

congratulations! how wonderful =) loving the name and hope you have a speedy recovery!

Dr. Grumbles said...

YAY!!! Congratulations!!!

I like the name Wren.

Welcome to a new stage of life, Mommy!

Thalia said...

Welcome to the world, wren prawn. We are very happy to meet you.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous news and best wishes to you all from an interested reader across the pond. Looking forward to the birth story and some photos of the prawnster.

lisalou said...

So she's really not a prawn then? This little creature has emerged at long last more of a baby than a crustacean? Well congratulations all the same!
I am so very proud of you all!

Anonymous said...

Big congratulations to the new family! And LOVING the name! Now just focus on recovery and getting to know your new little bundle! Enjoy!

dawnatello said...

gosh i guess that is why it is called "labour" eh? that is crazy how long that prawn stayed in. i love the name, it is neat!
good luck, hope you get some rest and come home with your new parcel soon,q

Southern Comfortable said...

Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you both. We can't wait to see pictures of the bundle of joy!