Monday, April 06, 2009

Why, if I were not married to Mr. DD, I would seriously try to woo Mr. BTG

So, can I just say that I love my specialist?

I've had a couple of weeks to process and am started to feel a little normalized, although my new normal probably includes about 8 pounds that I put on while I was pregnant. I have no doubt that my Wii Fit will mock me when I step back on the balance board this evening.

I wrote a long letter to Mr. BTG last week detailing my unfortunate experience and was enormously pleased to get a prompt response.

So, not only is he going to do the basic "let's find out if there's an easy solution to this" testing, but is going to try to get me referred to St. Mary's recurring miscarriage clinic in London, which is one of the best units in the country. While he's not entirely sure that I fit the criteria, he's going to do his darndest to get them to see me.

"We WILL win. I promise you." he ended his letter.

I TOTALLY believe him.


Aunt Becky said...

I love his answer. We will win!

Anonymous said...

Go him. And go you!

lisalou said...

Is he cute too?

rockmama said...

In that old guy that wears a bow tie kind of way. :)

Molly said...


I think I may fancy him too!

Hopeful Mother said...

Hugs to you!