Monday, September 14, 2009


I was bleeding.

A lot.

It was red.

Did I mention that there was a lot?

I was escorted this morning to Waiting Room C at the hospital. I've been in it before, so I knew the way. While I'm glad this waiting room exists, it sucks. It's at the back of the antenatal unit, far away from pregnant bellies, but it' s tiny, and cold. It's the room for the early pregnancy unit where they also tend to put women who's scans won't be showing them anything to be happy about.

They finally did call my name and while waiting for the scan tech, I thought, "By the end of today, this is all going to be over. I can have a good cry tonight and then try to figure out what to do next." I was told in A&E on Saturday that they could book me in for an immediate D&C following the scan if need be. So I came totally prepared with pajamas, socks, pads and two books.

So imagine my absolute fucking shock when the technician turned the monitor my way.

"So, okay, here's your baby, and here's the heartbeat..."

Excuse me, the what?

Despite the copious red blood, despite everything...still there. My cervix is closed, the placenta is firmly attached and NOT covering my cervix, so she basically had no explanation for the blood other than "Sometimes women bleed during pregnancy." Of course, this has certainly not been the case for me. Some women may bleed during pregnancy, but I sure as hell haven't been one of them. If I see blood, RED blood, it's always been game over.

The NT scan, luckily, is booked for Thursday, so I'll have some more reassurance later in the week.

The scan put me at 12.5 weeks. This is my fifth pregnancy, but only my second ever second trimester.

I can't say how sorry I am for the roller coaster ride. From now on, I shall keep my mouth firmly shut in the event of any more scary shit until I know one way or the other. Thank you all so much for riding it with me.


Thalia said...

yaay!! i had a bleed at the same point as this in my pregnancy w pob. fingers crossed.

electriclady said...

PHEW! So glad it turned out okay. I, too, had a big bleed (toilet bowl filled with bright red blood) at around this point in my pregnancy. But of course knowing it happens to other people doesn't make it any easier to deal with. Fingers crossed for no more drama.

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to read this! What an emotional mangle this pregnancy is putting you through. And don't apologise for blogging it - your internet friends care about what happens to you and want to support you as far as we can.

PiquantMolly said...

Don't apologize to us, dear -- you're the one enduring it firsthand. PHEW.

I'm hoping for much less eventfulness from now on.

Nikole said...

Whew. Big sighs of relief over here. Fingers and toes crossed for NO MORE DRAMA.

Crazy about the bleeding and no known cause.

Thinking of you. xo

lisalou said...

This is insane! Here's hoping...

Deborah Champion said...

I bled too. Noone says before but afterwards they all said 'oh, I bled too' - I think it works out about one in three pregnancies. If they had said before hand perhaps I would have been more optimistic. But anyway. He is here now. It's a hard journey. Thinking of you often. Big hugs. Congrats on 2nd tri. Hope its boring and uneventful.