Monday, March 12, 2007

Prawn Day + 4

So, a few weeks ago, I posted this, right?

For the same reason it's hard to see yourself gaining weight or developing new lines on your face, it is equally difficult to see the progression of a bump. I didn't personally think that it was POSSIBLE for me to get much bigger than illustrated in this photo. However, I was entirely wrong. Through the magic of Skype, my mother captured another photo of The Belly during our weekly chat last night.

Whoa, nelly.

I've started getting "those looks" from people in the street. The "are you sure you should be out walking around like that?" looks. The "are you sure you're not carrying twins?" looks. " The "surely you should be ensconced in a bed eating bon bons somewhere, patiently awaiting the arrival of your offspring and not troubling the public with your freakish appearance." looks. And don't get me started on stepping into an elevator. People will plaster themselves against the far wall just in case I go off like a ton of C4.

The Prawn is now 4 days late. I have developed a case of PEP, (although, in the US, I believe it's called PUPPS) which is an agonizing rash that spreads up stretch marks, making the sufferer wish that they could quit their jobs and devote themselves to scratching full time. (Luckily for me, I bite my nails, so I can't do much damage.) This makes it difficult to sleep and wear clothes, both of which things I find unfortunately necessary at present.

I keep telling the Prawn to come out. That it's a beautiful English Spring day and it'd be a shame if they missed it. That I've got milk and cookies. That I'll let him/her throw up on me to their heart's content. But to no avail.

Prawn watch continues....


Anonymous said...

Holy crap! That is the hugest damn belly I have ever seen!! You poor thing... let's hope the prawn makes its entrance DAMN soon...

MsPrufrock said...

Hurry up already Prawn. Even though P. was a month early, I was really starting to get miserable because of my size. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be for you!

As for your email, I'd better respond before the Prawn arrives huh?

dawnatello said...

oh my god. i am scared for myself that is crazy. my hubbie was noticing the frame of the pif is wider too in order to fit you in.

i will hope for today since you said it was sunny!!

Mollywogger said...

Holy god, girl. I would be lying on the couch weeping at least 20 hours a day if I were you.

Hang in there -- it's got to be any minute now by the look of you!

rockmama said...

Thanks for your commiserations, ladies! Strangely enough, if it weren't for Senor Itchy the Rash, I wouldn't be all that uncomfortable. The waddle is annoying and getting up 4 times a night to wee isn't a party, but I really thought I'd be a lot MORE miserable. It's just the waiting now...I'm so IMPATIENT to meet this little person!!! I'm booked for a membrane sweep on Wednesday, so we'll see if that moves things along at all!

Dr. Grumbles said...

Come on, Prawn, it is high time to meet your parents!

lisalou said...

What the heck is going on in there? Seriously!

Southern Comfortable said...

Holy moly! Or should I say, holy belly! Wow-- I do hope Prawn arrives soon. Yowza.