The Living Room. The yellowness quotient in this room isn't so bad. It's pale and actually quite cheerful. However, it's not really us. It'll be cream, except for the wall the couch is against. It'll be red and covered in black and white photos in black and white frames. We've actually bought the couches and the sideboard from the previous owners.

The Master Bedroom. This room bore the brunt of the yellow tide. We're turning it into a slightly more restful light clay color. (This sounds gross, but looks really nice.) Bedrooms should be restful. In my opinion, it would be hard to be ill in this room, which is my criteria for a good bedroom. With lots of cosy lighting, it'll be lovely.

The Kitchen. Okay. Yeah. The tiles. It's hard to believe, but it's not really as loud as it looks in this picture. It's cheerful, although, again, not exactly my taste. In much slower time, I imagine that we'll have this redone. But for now, I can live with it. It's about 16 times bigger than the corridor that I'm cooking in at the moment, so I can't complain.

The View from the living room window, which makes some of the larry wallpainting all worthwhile. :)
After shots to follow.
You pad looks awesome. I agree that the colours need some work. Our bedroom is a lovely sage green and although it is very calming, the clutter of books, clothes and random stuff that we live amoungst is not. (old house no closets).
I am glad that your scan went well! I would hate for your freak-out gland to get too big!
Your place looks lovely!
We did our bedroom in a "cocoa" color - with navy blue and red highlights and just love it. Very calming!
Wow, that is some lounge you've got there. It's huge! The green space in the back is beautiful. I overlook a fire escape and the back of a grotty hotel. Lovely.
I look forward to the afters.
Can't wait to see the "after"!
Hey. Glad your scan worked out well. And great view....
Lovely place!
I bet that kitchen would look better with a slate gray instead of pink paint...the tiles might be toned down by it, and look more trendy...
Nice place you have!!
OK, it's been too many days since you've posted...
Is there some....NEWS?
{fingers crossed for good news}
Ah, no Prawn related news, thankfully (only 34 weeks at the moment.) but we've been doing some serious DIY in our new flat!
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