Prawn: “Daddy has a big mouth!”
Mr. DD: “Well that’s not very nice is it? How would you like it if I said you had a big bum?”
Prawn: “BIG BUM!”
Mr. DD: “Does Prawn have a big bum?”
*Prawn sticks bum up in the air*
Prawn: “YES!”
Mr. DD: “I see. Does daddy have a big bum?”
Prawn: “YES! Daddy big bum!”
Mr. DD: “Right. What about mummy? Does mummy have a big bum?”
Prawn: ” uhhhhhhhhh … ”
Prawn: ” ummm … NOPE. Mummy SMALL bum”
My child is only 2 and knows when to tell the right kind of lie.
A true sign of brilliance!
You done raised her right.
My eldest calls me Your Highness. And he's not being sarcastic.
A) Your Prawn is amazing. (Hugh's linguistic skills are limited, but his current response to my bottom, at least when we are sharing a shower, is to slap it. This is rather disturbing.)
B) Is it time for a new tag-line? 'Gobbling up toddlerdom' perhaps?
can the Prawn come over to my house and lie to me? Love her!
I'm sorry to hear about your miscarriage. Many hugs to you.
(formerly of vanilladreams)
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